SciVisFall2007/Assignment 3/FAQ

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Q: I cannot read the tokamak datasets. VisTrails crashes regardless of what I try to do!

A: The version of VisTrails distributed uses a different version of the VTK libraries than those used to generate the dataset. To fix this, we have substituted the dataset to be used for the problems relating to Iso-Surfacing. The problems and general dataset properties remain the same, but the underlying data description is a bit different.

Q: In problem 1c, what do you mean by "change from the initial conditions?"

A: The initial condition here is meant to be time-step 1, with the change being exhibited by changing the time-step being visualized.

Q: In problem 1c, what do you mean by "the two data?" Is it the two time steps?

A: In this case, visualizing the two data refers to the fact that there is a scalar field as well as a vector field in each data set. What method(s) can be used to visualize both of these types of data (vector field with a scalar field) simultaneously?